
Why do people fall in love?

Host: And Helen Fisher is the author of Why We Love and studied relationships for years. Hey, Helen nice to see you. So it's a little bit like ok when, when people get(s) together, initially they say ah, there is such chemistry (Right.)between me and her. That's true, but unfortunately it seems like the chemistry changes after a year. You buy it?
H: Uh, it... probably not after a year. I mean, actually this study they said it was one to two years. But they also were studying only people who were um said that they were not in love after that period of time. So they weren't studying people who re... remained in love, which is possible you know.
Host: When we talk .... Before we talk about the concept, then let's just talk about the study. (Right.) If it was a good sampling, do you think it was an accurate study?
H: Well, it's hard to know. I mean they had 39 people and would have been great if they had 1039. But 39 is better than nothing, then. You know you would expect, I mean, this is one of the most powerful experiences on earth when men make love and it's much more powerful than the sex drive. And you would expect all kinds of bodily chemicals to be involved in it. What they've done is they found just another.
Host: Have we heard about these nerve growth factors before? I mean that did, did they apply in other situations?
H: Yeah absolutely. They help with the nourishment of the cells of the body. And some people think that they are associated also with anxiety, and feelings of dependence and euphoria, which are associated with romantic love.
Host: What about age? Does that apply in here? I mean do you , do you tend to have more fluctuation in the levels of these things when you are younger or when you are older?
H: We don't know about nerve growth factor. But I studied 430 Americans and actually 420 Japanese and my sample of people over 45 show just as mush as that sweaty palms syndrome as those who are under 25, so...
Host: So you don't lose that puppy love feeling just because you are 45 years old.
H: No, you know what, I have had an 8-year-old boy, perfectly described to me his infatuation for an 8-year-old girl. And I certainly know people in their 70s who are mad in love. I think this is a brain system a lot like the fear system. It can be triggered at anytime in life.
Host: If there is in fact a decrease in certain body chemicals(Right.) and the euphoria starts to wane. Is there anything people can do to keep it going?
H: Yes, very definitely. First of all, you gotta pick the right person so that there is real chemical continuing reaction between the two of you. And second you can do novel things together. Novelty drives the levels of the dopamine in the brain, and I and my colleagues have found that dopamine in the brain is associated with romantic love so that's why vacations are so exciting. You know you do something novel, you do something exciting. It changes those chemicals and you can feel that feeling again.
Host: By the way, you don't think it's a bad idea if the euphoria goes at the end of the year because if you stay in the relationship, you will find out if you really truly love that person or you are just having a chemical reaction?
H: Absolutely, absolutely, as a matter of fact I mean, you know, I've often recommended to people that, you know, waiting till that intense passion wears off then you know what you've got.
Host: Call me in a year, right. Helen Fisher, thanks so much.


Watermelon: The new Viagra?

"The chemicals that are in the watermelon rind work much like Viagra.

Oh, rollick!

Give me two more. "

Just a week after the annual Watermelon Thump celebration in Luling, there's something new that watermelon growers can hang their hat on.

The rind on watermelons has some of the same effects as Viagra.




Ha ha ha

Well give me another one.

I'll get some more.


The director of Texas A&M's Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center has discovered that watermelons have an ingredient that delivers Viagra-like effects and may even increase libido.

Maybe you need to raise the price.
I don't get used to it.

Ha ha ha

There is a catch. The phyto-nutrient called citrulline that relaxes the blood vessels is found in the highest concentrations in the part you generally don't eat, the watermelon rind.

Would it take like a whole watermelon rind to eat to do any good, I mean you might get yourself sick before you get yourself any help.

Have you ever eaten the rind?

No, but I must start right now.

Rinds are used in watermelon pickles and they are Kelly Allen's specialty.

My husband loves these, I don't know if it's because he eats these or not, but he dosen't have a problem.

Neither does Hoyt Alford, according to his girl friend, Lois.

I don't know that you need them.

Oh, thank you. That's a compliment, isn't it?

Scientists are working to breed watermelons with higher concentrations of citrulline in the flesh, which may change Luling's image from being known for watermelons to something else.

It might be a new aspect to our watermelon growing, I can tell you that, No pun intended, but, you know, but...


Man calls himself Jesus Christ

Well a man who says he is Jesus Christ, and the Antichrist, held a conference for his ministry in Stafford tonight. Soofia Aleem lives at the Stafford Civic Center, with the man who claims he is God just finished talking. Soofia. Allan, Jose Luis spoke here to about 350 people. His followers say he is spreading a positive message, but others we talked with say he is controversial.

All preachers around the world, they have been lying. This man has started the following, in which his worshippers view him as God. A short interview like this is kind of difficulties. Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda's ministry is called the Government of God on Earth. His followers say they believe in the Bible but they also believe there is no devil, nor sin, and that this man is the second coming of Jesus. I just believe because I just know.

Well, I believe in it because I understand that the foundation that, ah, Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda, the man, Christ Jesus is edifying his church with, its, the epistles. He is basing it on the epistles of the Apostle Paul. But an Internet search of Luis Miranda's name shows controversy brewing over his preachings. Critics say he is a cult leader and a liar. One website claims he is funding his million-dollar home and lavish lifestyle with his followers' money.

Today we saw his ministry collecting donations. But Jesus Miranda says that money won't go to him but he would not give specifics. You know how news are, sometimes, they say the truth, sometimes they don't say the truth. People we talked with today say they disagree with Luis Miranda's preachings. Because nobody knows the coming of Christ. I don't think he is, you know. If he really was, he will do some spectacular. We also tried to contact several churches and the local Catholic diocese, but no one was able to be reached for a comment.